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Lecture on English Linguistics III: Midterm 3

Your name:
Student ID:

Read carefully:

  • You have 70 min to work on this exam.
  • You can consult any sources (textbook, dictionaries, internet) except that you're NOT allowed to communicate with real persons (including your friends).
  • Keep the Zoom video on while you're taking the exam. Do not wear masks unless you're in a public space. Your exam will NOT be graded if the video is turned off. (*If you're using a smartphone or a tablet, you can NOT keep the video on and answer questions at the same time. If you need to use a smartphone or a tablet for Zoom, please use another device to answer questions.)
  • There will be one question per page. If you go to the next question, you CANNOT go back to the previous questions. Be careful.
  • There are about 35 questions in total.
  • At the end of the exam, you will be given a SECRET CODE. Copy and paste it in the MyKonan assignment.
  • Ask me any questions anytime (orally or via Chat).
  • When you finish the exam, you can leave the Zoom meeting. Good luck!

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