Lecture on English Linguistics III: Midterm 3
Read carefully:
You have 70 min to work on this exam.
You can consult any sources (textbook, dictionaries, internet) except that you're NOT allowed to communicate with real persons (including your friends).
Keep the Zoom video on while you're taking the exam. Do not wear masks unless you're in a public space. Your exam will NOT be graded if the video is turned off. (*If you're using a smartphone or a tablet, you can NOT keep the video on and answer questions at the same time. If you need to use a smartphone or a tablet for Zoom, please use another device to answer questions.)
There will be one question per page. If you go to the next question, you CANNOT go back to the previous questions. Be careful.
There are about 35 questions in total.
At the end of the exam, you will be given a SECRET CODE. Copy and paste it in the MyKonan assignment.
Ask me any questions anytime (orally or via Chat).
When you finish the exam, you can leave the Zoom meeting. Good luck!
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