This is a demo version of this experiment. Click here to edit a copy in the PCIbex Farm.
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Debug (PennController 2.0)X
Use DebugOff() before publishing.
[22:53:0] Found an existing Button element named “Submit”--using name “Submit2” instead for new element (newTrial: 2)
[22:53:0] Found an existing Text element named “filler”--using name “filler2” instead for new element (newTrial: 2)
[22:53:0] Found an existing Text element named “

Which one of these sentences is grammatical? Select your choice, then press the submit button that will appear.

”--using name “

Which one of these sentences is grammatical? Select your choice, then press the submit button that will appear.

2” instead for new element (newTrial: 2)